What's Coming Up?
Family Sunday School
Sundays at 10:00am
Starting January 25, join us in the Fellowship Hall for Family Sunday School. This is a class for all ages, and we hope it helps your family learn to study the word together. Deepen your faith and draw closer as a family! Contact Dusty or Peyton for details!
Small Groups & Fellowship Meal
Wednesday nights starting August 21
Fellowship Meal: 5:00pm
Small Groups: 6:00pm
We're so excited to be back together on Wednesday nights with a fellowship meals and small groups! Contact the church office at 566-4400 to reserve your spot. Contact Peyton for information on Small Groups
Fellowship Meals:
Adults: $8.00
Children (12 & under): $5.00
Family maximum: $25.00
College Bible Study
Tuesdays 5:30-7:00pm
We're kicking off our fall College Bible Study! Come to the Youth Room, enjoy a free meal, and learn with your friends! Contact Dusty for more details.
GriefShare Support Group
We are excited to be launching a new ministry called Grief Share this fall at First Methodist. Grief Share is a Christ-centered, biblically-based support group for persons who are suffering the loss of a loved one through death. The program consists of three key elements to help participants heal from their loss: a video seminar, group discussions, and a personal workbook. The Grief Share videos include experts, ministers, and Christian counselors as they discuss grief and the recovery process. There are also testimonies from people who share their stories of what has helped them deal with the pain of losing a loved one. The seminar lasts for 13 weeks and participants can join at any time during the 13 weeks since the lessons and videos are not in succession. Pray now for God to use this highly effective program to reach members of our church and community.
Please consider joining us in Grief Share:
Sunday afternoons from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Cycle 1 Begins on January 22
Fellowship Hall, Troy First Methodist Church
For further information:
office: 334-566-4400 or fumctroy@yahoo.com