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Small Groups

Small groups are designed to bring people together. In order for us to fully live into the potential Christ has for us, it is vital that we grow in community with other believers. We are created to experience community, but it can sometimes be difficult to find those relationships on our own.  We would love to help get you connected to people who have similar goals and values! 
There are a variety of groups that are designed to fit your needs and interests. And if you feel like one is missing, we would love to help you start that group!  Leading a small group doesn't require perfection--we just need you to be willing to help facilitate! 
Groups can meet anywhere: in a church classroom, a host's living room, or on a basketball court. The possiblities are endless! The goal is to help you integrate your relationship with Christ into every aspect of your life.
If you'd like more information about groups that are available, please get in contact with us: 

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